War Currency
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Price: $3.00 - $125.00
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ERA BANKNOTE has appeared in 45 unique listings.

There are currently 6 active listings, 10 sold listings, and 29 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $1,356.63

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view ERA BANKNOTE on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 6 13%
Sold 10 22%
Unsold 29 65%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 45 100.00%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 24 53.33%
tydal1wave 7 15.56%
banknotes-teach 5 11.11%
shcandbm 2 4.44%
micdem_5683 1 2.22%
1909_collectibles 1 2.22%
rizzo_4433 1 2.22%
rockytricochadwick 1 2.22%
dbezdik 1 2.22%
seaworthy7583 1 2.22%
athenanotes 1 2.22%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,356.63 30.15 23.75 30.128342462796645 125.00 3.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 45 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 6 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 4 66.67%
tydal1wave 1 16.67%
seaworthy7583 1 16.67%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$627.00 28.50 24.38 0 75.00 3.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 6 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
2 JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine And 10 And 50 WW2 YEN Stamp $125.00 30-Nov-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Nov-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $7.95 27-Nov-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $5.95 27-Nov-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $7.95 27-Nov-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 12-Nov-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 8-Nov-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 8-Nov-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 8-Nov-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1943 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Goo Shrine Currency JAPANESE 日本 MONEY $3.00 27-Oct-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 22-Oct-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1943 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Goo Shrine Currency JAPANESE 日本 MONEY $3.00 19-Oct-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 18-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 18-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $71.25 8-Oct-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $23.75 8-Oct-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 1-Oct-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 1-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 1-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 25-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 10 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
banknotes-teach 4 40.00%
1909_collectibles 1 10.00%
rockytricochadwick 1 10.00%
dbezdik 1 10.00%
shcandbm 1 10.00%
athenanotes 1 10.00%
micdem_5683 1 10.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$81.68 8.17 6.97 4.693111547790017 19.95 3.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 10 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Imperial Japan Japanese 10 Sen 1944 WW2 WWII Era Banknote PAPER MONEY (3) $5.00 30-Dec-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $7.95 6-Dec-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $7.95 2-Dec-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1946 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Shrine Currency JAPANESE with Stamp $5.95 29-Nov-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1943 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Goo Shrine Currency JAPANESE 日本 MONEY $3.00 3-Nov-2024
Imperial Japan Japanese 5 and 10 Sen Currency 1944 WW2 WWII Era Banknote $9.95 15-Oct-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1943 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Goo Shrine Currency JAPANESE 日本 MONEY $19.95 28-Aug-2024
Japan 10 Yen Vintage WW2 Era Banknote / 1945 / Scarce World Paper Currency $3.99 19-Aug-2024
Post WW2 era Banknote East Germany 10 Deutsche Mark Currency 1948 Post WWII Note $11.95 11-Apr-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 29 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 20 68.97%
tydal1wave 6 20.69%
rizzo_4433 1 3.45%
shcandbm 1 3.45%
banknotes-teach 1 3.45%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$946.95 32.65 25.00 27.419754177305744 75.00 3.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 29 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 16-Jan-2025
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Dec-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Nov-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 17-Nov-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 10-Nov-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 1-Nov-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 1-Nov-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 27-Oct-2024
JAPAN ¥10 YEN 1943 WW2 WWII Era Banknote - Goo Shrine Currency JAPANESE 日本 MONEY $3.00 26-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $71.25 18-Oct-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $23.75 18-Oct-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 8-Oct-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 8-Oct-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 6-Oct-2024
Japan ~Japanese 10 Sen Currency ~ 1944 ~ WW2 WWII Era Banknote $3.00 18-Sep-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $60.00 13-Sep-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $18.00 13-Sep-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $18.00 3-Sep-2024
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $60.00 3-Sep-2024
Imperial Japan Japanese 10 Sen 1944 WW2 WWII Era Banknote PAPER MONEY $5.00 1-Sep-2024
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