War Currency
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1939 WW2

Price: $1.00 - $159.99
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1939 WW2
1939 WW2 has appeared in 68 unique listings.

There are currently 6 active listings, 28 sold listings, and 34 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $1,119.36

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Purchasing Suggestions
Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 1939 WW2 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 6 9%
Sold 28 41%
Unsold 34 50%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 30 44.12%
GB 23 33.82%
AU 12 17.65%
GR 1 1.47%
CA 1 1.47%
EE 1 1.47%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
al-657322 12 17.65%
stampspacific 8 11.76%
nascargirl1980 8 11.76%
rainboweye 7 10.29%
nwcollector47 7 10.29%
silvadyne 4 5.88%
gladston320 4 5.88%
wilmid-36 2 2.94%
mwolzcoins 2 2.94%
perjago 1 1.47%
myrandostuff 1 1.47%
ricsilv1 1 1.47%
123jbyrne 1 1.47%
ifobjects 1 1.47%
tokensmedalsandcoins 1 1.47%
astoria-collectibles 1 1.47%
coins_chess 1 1.47%
my-haberdashery 1 1.47%
bigtowndepot 1 1.47%
myvivabooks 1 1.47%
balticamber2020 1 1.47%
crooked-ear.outlet 1 1.47%
ski_dombay 1 1.47%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,119.36 16.46 12.65 21.396571710646967 159.99 1.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 68 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 2 33.33%
GB 2 33.33%
AU 2 33.33%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
al-657322 2 33.33%
rainboweye 1 16.67%
myrandostuff 1 16.67%
ricsilv1 1 16.67%
wilmid-36 1 16.67%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$240.91 9.27 5.17 8.060351286998754 35.12 3.98
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 6 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
royal life saving society medal 1939 Ww2 Piece Boxed Curios Collectable Item 6 $19.02 29-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.06 28-Nov-2024
royal life saving society medal 1939 Ww2 Piece Boxed Curios Collectable Item 6 $18.93 22-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.05 21-Nov-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 A WW2 Era. Fine $26.52 18-Nov-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 D WW2 Era. Fine $29.05 18-Nov-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 F WW2 Era. Fine $26.52 18-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.16 11-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.19 8-Nov-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.01 8-Nov-2024
Czechoslovakia Medal 1939 Ww2 Medallic Art Co Maco $1.00 31-Oct-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.18 28-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $3.98 28-Oct-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.20 21-Oct-2024
Silver 3 Coin Lot 1887 Double Floren 1721 Spanish Treasure Coin 1939 WW2 German $159.99 21-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.02 21-Oct-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.22 14-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.05 14-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.08 7-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 19 67.86%
GB 8 28.57%
GR 1 3.57%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nascargirl1980 8 28.57%
rainboweye 6 21.43%
stampspacific 5 17.86%
mwolzcoins 2 7.14%
perjago 1 3.57%
123jbyrne 1 3.57%
ifobjects 1 3.57%
tokensmedalsandcoins 1 3.57%
coins_chess 1 3.57%
myvivabooks 1 3.57%
ski_dombay 1 3.57%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$528.10 18.86 14.75 14.900189578988446 71.95 1.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 28 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1939 J WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark Coin $3.75 14-Mar-2025
Rare Key Date And Great Condition 1939 E WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark Coin $41.00 14-Mar-2025
1939 D WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark Coin $6.27 14-Mar-2025
1939 A WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark Coin $14.50 14-Mar-2025
1939 F WW2 German NAZI 2 Mark Coin $10.00 8-Mar-2025
1939 B WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark Coin $12.00 3-Mar-2025
1939 A WW2 German Nazi 2 Mark $5.50 3-Mar-2025
Germany Third Reich 2 Coins 5 & 2 Reichspfennig 1937 1939 WW2 Era $9.95 20-Feb-2025
1939 A WW2 German Nazi 2 Reichspfennig NGC Graded Unc Details Polished $15.50 10-Feb-2025
1939 A WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Coin, Third Reich, Paul Von Hindenburg $19.50 24-Jan-2025
1939 B WW2 5 Reichsmark Coin, Third Reich, Von Hindenburg, Swastika $29.99 13-Jan-2025
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 F WW2 Era. Fine $26.52 6-Dec-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 D WW2 Era. Fine $29.05 19-Nov-2024
Czechoslovakia Medal 1939 Ww2 Medallic Art Co Maco $1.00 7-Nov-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 A WW2 Era. Fine $23.38 28-Oct-2024
1939 WW2 BELGIUM COIN POST FREE UK Bg8 $3.90 21-Oct-2024
1939 F WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Coin, Third Reich, Von Hindenburg $35.99 14-Oct-2024
Germany Third Reich 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin 1939 D WW2 Era. Fine $30.07 14-Oct-2024
Currency Germany 1939 WW2 Fascism War 5 Reichmark Funf 5 Circulated WORN Aged $12.95 13-Oct-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 13 38.24%
AU 10 29.41%
US 9 26.47%
CA 1 2.94%
EE 1 2.94%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
al-657322 10 29.41%
nwcollector47 7 20.59%
silvadyne 4 11.76%
gladston320 4 11.76%
stampspacific 3 8.82%
wilmid-36 1 2.94%
astoria-collectibles 1 2.94%
my-haberdashery 1 2.94%
bigtowndepot 1 2.94%
balticamber2020 1 2.94%
crooked-ear.outlet 1 2.94%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$347.59 10.22 5.21 8.103244709805427 35.12 2.49
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 34 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1939 WW2 British United Kingdom UK Two Shilling Florin KM# 855 King George VI $12.35 5-Jan-2025
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.06 5-Dec-2024
royal life saving society medal 1939 Ww2 Piece Boxed Curios Collectable Item 6 $18.93 29-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.05 28-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.16 18-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.19 11-Nov-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.01 11-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.18 4-Nov-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $3.98 4-Nov-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.20 28-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.02 28-Oct-2024
1939 WW2 .500 SILVER 3D Three Pence Patu Coin NEW ZEALAND George VI King Emperor $5.22 21-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.05 21-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.08 14-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.16 7-Oct-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $4.08 23-Sep-2024
Currency Germany 1939 WW2 Fascism War 5 Reichmark Funf 5 Circulated WORN $12.99 20-Sep-2024
France 1 Franc 1939 WW2 $3.98 19-Sep-2024
Currency Germany 1939 WW2 Fascism War 5 Reichmark Funf 5 Circulated WORN Aged $12.99 18-Sep-2024
Currency Germany 1939 WW2 Fascism War Era 2 Reichmark Zwei Worn Circulated $12.99 17-Sep-2024
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