War Currency
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Price: $0.73 - $925.00
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REICH WW2 GERMAN has appeared in 62 unique listings.

There are currently 9 active listings, 21 sold listings, and 32 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $18,321.74

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view REICH WW2 GERMAN on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 9 15%
Sold 21 34%
Unsold 32 51%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 61 98.39%
CA 1 1.61%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
tu114 33 53.23%
the_canup_trading_company 5 8.06%
mintproductsdirect 4 6.45%
savvygl 4 6.45%
thompee7 3 4.84%
vogti600 2 3.23%
kc.dave 2 3.23%
missnjay95 2 3.23%
dylagra_4 1 1.61%
blocgalleries 1 1.61%
thefl00d 1 1.61%
ridehardlivefree68 1 1.61%
jackisback2.0 1 1.61%
forbidden.treasures 1 1.61%
dkgoldandsilverplus 1 1.61%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$18,321.74 295.51 285.00 321.79923632519655 925.00 0.73
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 62 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 9 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
tu114 4 44.44%
missnjay95 2 22.22%
vogti600 1 11.11%
forbidden.treasures 1 11.11%
dkgoldandsilverplus 1 11.11%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$15,026.68 469.58 290.00 0 925.00 0.73
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 9 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $219.00 3-Dec-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 29-Nov-2024
5 Coin Lot Third Reich WW2 German 10,5 Reichspfennig Zinc Coins $15.00 26-Nov-2024
Coin Lot Third Reich WW2 German 10,5 Reichspfennig Zinc Coins $20.00 26-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $219.00 26-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Silver Coin (29 Coins) $470.00 25-Nov-2024
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $79.95 25-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 25-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin With Natural Toning $38.99 25-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 19-Nov-2024
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $79.95 18-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 18-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 12-Nov-2024
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $88.00 10-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 8-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 8-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 8-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 29-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 25-Oct-2024
Lot of 2 Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins 1935F 1936A $32.00 24-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 21 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
the_canup_trading_company 5 23.81%
mintproductsdirect 4 19.05%
savvygl 3 14.29%
kc.dave 2 9.52%
vogti600 1 4.76%
jackisback2.0 1 4.76%
ridehardlivefree68 1 4.76%
blocgalleries 1 4.76%
thefl00d 1 4.76%
tu114 1 4.76%
thompee7 1 4.76%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,056.07 50.29 32.25 61.01434092975986 285.00 1.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 21 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $79.95 2-Dec-2024
1935 Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $19.00 18-Nov-2024
Lot of 2 Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins 1935F 1936A $32.00 31-Oct-2024
Lot of 2 Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins 1936A 1938A $50.00 24-Oct-2024
Lot of 5: Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins 1937 1939 $66.05 17-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 18 Silver Coins $285.00 15-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $36.99 6-Oct-2024
Rare Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg & 2 Reichsmark Silver Coins $50.00 26-Sep-2024
25 Coin Lot Third Reich WW2 German 50-1 Reichspfennig Coins. OMM72 $1.00 10-Sep-2024
1936 A Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin AU-Unc Toning $29.00 10-Sep-2024
Rare Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin 1938 $25.00 9-Sep-2024
Rare Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin 1936 AU $33.00 7-Sep-2024
Rare Third Reich WW2 German 1 Reichsmark Nickel Coin $13.79 28-Aug-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $14.99 19-Aug-2024
Rare Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $37.99 19-Aug-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $17.09 18-Aug-2024
15x Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin $153.00 17-Aug-2024
9 Coin Cull Lot Third Reich WW2 German 10 Reichspfennig Zinc Coins $19.99 17-Aug-2024
8 Coin Lot Third Reich WW2 German 1 Reichspfennig Zinc Coins $19.99 17-Aug-2024
Rare 1936 D Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coin TRC 007 $39.99 17-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 31 96.88%
CA 1 3.12%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
tu114 28 87.50%
thompee7 2 6.25%
dylagra_4 1 3.12%
savvygl 1 3.12%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$15,026.68 469.58 290.00 326.28993007322094 925.00 0.73
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 32 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $219.00 3-Dec-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 29-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 26-Nov-2024
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $79.95 25-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 22-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 19-Nov-2024
8 Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins - 8 Coins Total $88.00 17-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 15-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 12-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 8-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 5-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $895.00 1-Nov-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 29-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $889.00 25-Oct-2024
Lot of 2 Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmark Hindenburg Silver Coins 1935F 1936A $45.00 24-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $285.00 22-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $925.00 12-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 50 Silver Coins 1937-1939 , Many Mints $925.00 2-Oct-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 2 Reichsmarks 16 Silver Coins 1937 G Key Date! 1936 1934 $290.00 28-Sep-2024
Third Reich WW2 German 5 Reichsmarks Set 18 Silver Coins $285.00 28-Sep-2024
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