War Currency
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Price: $3.90 - $188.99
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COIN 50 has appeared in 34 unique listings.

There are currently 8 active listings, 17 sold listings, and 9 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $1,020.55

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view COIN 50 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 8 24%
Sold 17 50%
Unsold 9 26%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 19 55.88%
US 11 32.35%
GB 4 11.76%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
muenzen-bayer 19 55.88%
fenwickcoin 11 32.35%
coined_77 2 5.88%
timeywimey1 1 2.94%
thesilverdeity 1 2.94%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,020.55 30.02 15.13 35.91904615321923 188.99 3.90
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 34 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 7 87.50%
US 1 12.50%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
muenzen-bayer 7 87.50%
fenwickcoin 1 12.50%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$186.91 37.38 17.99 26.131181680130734 74.95 12.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 8 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 S Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents Walker 50C VERY FINE WW2 $17.99 18-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $62.99 18-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 B Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $74.95 18-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1940 B Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $21.95 15-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1941 B Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $21.95 15-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $16.99 14-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1938 A Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $74.95 12-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $68.95 12-Nov-2024
1943 S Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents Walker 50C VERY FINE WW2 $17.99 11-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $15.95 23-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1943 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $11.95 23-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1944 G Alu SWASTIKA 3RD Reich WW2 VERY RARE Pfennig $188.99 23-Oct-2024
Rare Old Large 50p Coin 50 Year Anniversary of D Day WW2 $3.90 18-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $69.95 18-Oct-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 18-Sep-2024
1942 D Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 18-Sep-2024
1943 D Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 18-Sep-2024
1942 S Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 8-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 8-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 2-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 8 47.06%
DE 7 41.18%
GB 2 11.76%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
fenwickcoin 8 47.06%
muenzen-bayer 7 41.18%
timeywimey1 1 5.88%
coined_77 1 5.88%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$362.69 21.33 13.99 21.96284914487539 84.95 3.90
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 17 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $16.99 1-Jan-2025
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 B Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $74.95 19-Nov-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $15.95 25-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1943 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $11.95 25-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1938 A Nickel SWASTIKA 3RD REICH WW2 RARE Pfennig $84.95 21-Oct-2024
Rare Old Large 50p Coin 50 Year Anniversary of D Day WW2 $3.90 18-Oct-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 RARE Pfennig $15.50 26-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 23-Sep-2024
1942 D Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 23-Sep-2024
1943 D Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $13.99 23-Sep-2024
1942 S Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 15-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 15-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 12-Sep-2024
1942 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 7-Sep-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 31-Aug-2024
Norway 1945 Coin 50 Øre WW2 Haakon VII $4.99 7-Jul-2024
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1935 J Nickel EAGLE WEIMAR REPUBLIC WW2 Pfennig RAR $26.59 16-Mar-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 5 55.56%
US 2 22.22%
GB 2 22.22%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
muenzen-bayer 5 55.56%
fenwickcoin 2 22.22%
coined_77 1 11.11%
thesilverdeity 1 11.11%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$130.14 14.46 12.99 7.01031303786706 29.99 4.88
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 9 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 S Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents Walker 50C VERY FINE WW2 $17.99 18-Nov-2024
1943 P Walking Liberty Half Dollar Silver coin 50 cents World War Two WWII WW2 $12.99 2-Sep-2024
1995 Dove Of Peace £2 Coin 50 Year Anniversary Of The End Of WW2 The Royal Mint $5.65 1-Jan-1970
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1935 J Nickel EAGLE WEIMAR REPUBLIC WW2 Pfennig UNC $29.99 1-Jan-1970
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1943 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 + RARE+ Pfennig $14.75 1-Jan-1970
Norway 1945 Coin 50 Ore WW2 Haakon VII $4.88 1-Jan-1970
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1939 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 + RARE+ Pfennig $17.99 1-Jan-1970
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1943 A Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 + RARE+ Pfennig $12.95 1-Jan-1970
GERMAN Coin 50 REICHSPFENNIG 1943 B Alu SWASTIKA THIRD Reich WW2 + RARE+ Pfennig $12.95 1-Jan-1970
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