War Currency
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Price: $0.99 - $335.00
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WWII WW2 has appeared in 488 unique listings.

There are currently 50 active listings, 150 sold listings, and 287 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $7,959.56

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view WWII WW2 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 50 10%
Sold 150 31%
Unsold 287 59%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 417 85.45%
JP 25 5.12%
AM 19 3.89%
GB 19 3.89%
KR 5 1.02%
DE 2 0.41%
AU 1 0.20%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
deutschereichspost 84 17.21%
athenanotes 73 14.96%
banknotes-teach 36 7.38%
neva_7674 31 6.35%
lehasle 19 3.89%
ricoehl_0 19 3.89%
yuuiw0 17 3.48%
ironcrosshqcom 17 3.48%
auction-player 14 2.87%
dmik_6 11 2.25%
fenwickcoin 11 2.25%
fujinumismaticjapan 8 1.64%
ni612018 6 1.23%
smy-178 5 1.02%
travel_a_waits 5 1.02%
jbvalu 5 1.02%
altino94kr 5 1.02%
bettercoms 4 0.82%
scifi54963 4 0.82%
reichpostalhistory 4 0.82%
b-rizzle5689 4 0.82%
jackinvt 4 0.82%
socalcollectablesoc 4 0.82%
can_21648 4 0.82%
bdavison84 4 0.82%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$7,959.56 16.31 9.95 29.43597067098213 335.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 488 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 41 82.00%
AM 7 14.00%
GB 1 2.00%
KR 1 2.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
athenanotes 19 38.00%
banknotes-teach 14 28.00%
lehasle 7 14.00%
585jewelrywatchescoins 2 4.00%
ricoehl_0 1 2.00%
coins-coloradocoins 1 2.00%
goldandcointraders 1 2.00%
oremac17 1 2.00%
silvadyne 1 2.00%
mr_shifter 1 2.00%
altino94kr 1 2.00%
bardin8885 1 2.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,960.02 17.52 9.99 36.400977151488796 335.00 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 50 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 Italy 1 Lire x2 ALLIED MILITARY CURRENCY WWII WW2 consecutive serials GEMS $9.99 3-Dec-2024
1943 Italy 5 Lire x2 ALLIED MILITARY CURRENCY WWII WW2 consecutive serials GEMS $9.99 3-Dec-2024
Japan, 1945, WWII WW2, Allied Military Currency, 5 Yen $15.00 2-Dec-2024
1940-45 NAZI GERMANY 20 REICHSMARK SWASTIKA BANKNOTE 20 mark note WWII WW2 $12.45 2-Dec-2024
1944 Germany 5 Mark Allied Military Banknote Series 1944 WWII WW2 $1.44 1-Dec-2024
24 X WWII WW2 Second World War France Coins francs occupied French Job Lot $6.34 1-Dec-2024
1942 Netherlands Indies 5 cent Japanese Government Banknote XF Note WWII WW2 $2.42 1-Dec-2024
1943 BELGIUM 10 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.43 1-Dec-2024
1943 BELGIUM 5 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.77 1-Dec-2024
1941 POLAND 1 ZLOTY BANKNOTE WWII WW2 NAZI GERMANY Occupation Jeden Zloty $8.90 1-Dec-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $11.95 1-Dec-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 1-Dec-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 1-Dec-2024
WW2 German 100 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $19.95 30-Nov-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 30-Nov-2024
WW2 German 100 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $19.95 30-Nov-2024
WW2 Japanese 10 Sen 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Japan Banknote WWII WW2 $9.95 30-Nov-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 30-Nov-2024
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $11.95 30-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 135 90.00%
GB 6 4.00%
KR 4 2.67%
JP 2 1.33%
DE 2 1.33%
AU 1 0.67%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
athenanotes 21 14.00%
deutschereichspost 21 14.00%
neva_7674 17 11.33%
fenwickcoin 10 6.67%
ricoehl_0 10 6.67%
banknotes-teach 8 5.33%
reichpostalhistory 4 2.67%
scifi54963 4 2.67%
jbvalu 4 2.67%
altino94kr 4 2.67%
coinscurrency 3 2.00%
jackinvt 3 2.00%
yuuiw0 2 1.33%
sgt.hinkley 2 1.33%
bettercoms 2 1.33%
silberdistel21 2 1.33%
bdavison84 2 1.33%
oldreliablestuff 1 0.67%
style_council 1 0.67%
ib151721 1 0.67%
oremac17 1 0.67%
paems35 1 0.67%
myrandostuff 1 0.67%
bucklandcrafts 1 0.67%
nifty-fifty61 1 0.67%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,623.20 10.82 5.48 19.905308259077245 220.00 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 150 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 14-Mar-2025
1944 ITALY 1 Lira Banknote WWII WW2 Very Fine Note $2.44 11-Mar-2025
1944 Germany 5 Mark Allied Military Banknote Series 1944 WWII WW2 $0.99 10-Mar-2025
Lot of 7 Japanese WWII WW2 Bank Notes/Currency Yen, Pesos Nippon Ginko $3.76 7-Mar-2025
1944 ITALY 1 Lira Banknote WWII WW2 Italian VF Note $2.44 26-Feb-2025
1942 NAZI GERMANY 5 REICHSMARK BANKNOTE "H" 5 mark note WWII WW2 $9.42 26-Feb-2025
China 100 yen 1945 Japan Occupation High Grade Banknote. World War 2 WWII WW2 $16.08 14-Feb-2025
WW2 Japanese 10 Yen 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Japan Banknote WWII WW2 Note $2.99 4-Feb-2025
1944 FRANCE 10 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Old War Time Collectible Note $1.70 4-Feb-2025
1941 POLAND 1 ZLOTY BANKNOTE WWII WW2 NAZI GERMANY Occupation Jeden Zloty $7.75 4-Feb-2025
1942 A Nazi Germany 10 pfennig German 1/10 Mark Coin World War 2 Relic WWII WW2 $2.99 31-Jan-2025
1942 Netherlands Indies 5 cent Japanese Government Banknote XF+++ Note WWII WW2 $1.99 28-Jan-2025
1943 BELGIUM 5 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.77 28-Jan-2025
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 26-Jan-2025
Japan, 1945, WWII WW2, Allied Military Currency, 5 Yen $5.99 17-Jan-2025
1941 German 5 Reichspfennig ,WWII, WW2 Germany, Circulated an Worn $4.25 16-Jan-2025
WW2 German 1 Mark 1944 Allied Occupation Currency Germany Banknote WWII WW2 $7.95 15-Jan-2025
1940-45 NAZI GERMANY 20 REICHSMARK SWASTIKA BANKNOTE 20 mark note WWII WW2 $9.90 15-Jan-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 240 83.62%
JP 23 8.01%
AM 12 4.18%
GB 12 4.18%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
deutschereichspost 63 21.95%
athenanotes 33 11.50%
ironcrosshqcom 17 5.92%
yuuiw0 15 5.23%
neva_7674 14 4.88%
banknotes-teach 14 4.88%
auction-player 13 4.53%
lehasle 12 4.18%
dmik_6 11 3.83%
ricoehl_0 8 2.79%
fujinumismaticjapan 8 2.79%
ni612018 6 2.09%
travel_a_waits 5 1.74%
smy-178 4 1.39%
can_21648 4 1.39%
socalcollectablesoc 4 1.39%
b-rizzle5689 3 1.05%
cada_932104 3 1.05%
panda-uk-coins 3 1.05%
paems35 2 0.70%
bettercoms 2 0.70%
cabbage-and-wee 2 0.70%
bdavison84 2 0.70%
306_collectables 2 0.70%
littlethisandlittlethatllc 2 0.70%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$5,025.40 17.51 9.99 33.50254748735361 335.00 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 287 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
OPA Red Point Rationity Token XT Error - Off Center Ration 1944 WWII WW2 Coin $4.50 5-Feb-2025
WWII WW2 Memorabilia 1942 5 Mark Banknote German Currency Germany Bill War Era $24.97 30-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 20000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 1000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 20000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 20000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
Nazi Germany 20000 Reichsmark Currency Propaganda Overprint WWII WW2 Third Reich $4.99 15-Jan-2025
3- Italy 1 Lira Series of 1943 WWII WW2 Circulated Banknotes VINTAGE $23.99 1-Jan-2025
Vichy France 4 Coin Lot 1943 1944 B C - 50 Centimes 1 Franc 2 Francs WWII WW2 $23.69 16-Dec-2024
1943 Italy 1 Lire x2 ALLIED MILITARY CURRENCY WWII WW2 consecutive serials GEMS $9.99 13-Dec-2024
1943 Italy 5 Lire x2 ALLIED MILITARY CURRENCY WWII WW2 consecutive serials GEMS $9.99 13-Dec-2024
Japan, 1945, WWII WW2, Allied Military Currency, 5 Yen $15.00 9-Dec-2024
1944 Germany 5 Mark Allied Military Banknote Series 1944 WWII WW2 $1.44 9-Dec-2024
1940-45 NAZI GERMANY 20 REICHSMARK SWASTIKA BANKNOTE 20 mark note WWII WW2 $12.45 9-Dec-2024
24 X WWII WW2 Second World War France Coins francs occupied French Job Lot $6.34 8-Dec-2024
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