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Price: $0.99 - $390.00
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VF-XF has appeared in 53 unique listings.

There are currently 8 active listings, 10 sold listings, and 35 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $2,861.36

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Purchasing Suggestions
Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view VF-XF on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 8 15%
Sold 10 19%
Unsold 35 66%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CustomCode 38 71.70%
US 6 11.32%
HU 5 9.43%
AM 3 5.66%
RS 1 1.89%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
spacetravel4u 39 73.58%
retroseum-eu 5 9.43%
hilltown-general-store 4 7.55%
lehasle 3 5.66%
shipwreckedgiftshop 1 1.89%
member654gf7f 1 1.89%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,861.36 53.99 19.99 89.26666290958332 390.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 53 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
HU 3 37.50%
CustomCode 3 37.50%
AM 2 25.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
retroseum-eu 3 37.50%
spacetravel4u 3 37.50%
lehasle 2 25.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$861.29 24.61 19.99 21.753335834266135 62.99 5.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 8 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 1-Dec-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 1-Dec-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 1-Dec-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 20-Nov-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 9-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 9-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 9-Nov-2024
Yugoslavia - 50 Dinara Banknote 1944 P-52b WW2 Partisan (VF-XF) $34.99 8-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 8-Nov-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 8-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 8-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 21-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 21-Oct-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 21-Oct-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 21-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 13-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 13-Oct-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 13-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $69.99 12-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 5-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CustomCode 5 50.00%
HU 2 20.00%
US 2 20.00%
RS 1 10.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
spacetravel4u 6 60.00%
retroseum-eu 2 20.00%
shipwreckedgiftshop 1 10.00%
member654gf7f 1 10.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$916.12 91.61 41.49 123.71330217886837 370.00 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 10 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
WW2 Era Nice Circ 1941-S Jefferson Nickel VF-XF Details San Francisco Mint $0.99 31-Jan-2025
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 19-Jan-2025
HUNGARY WW2 22 pcs Collection Banknotes (VF-XF) 1.000.000 B.PENGO, rare serie $290.00 5-Jan-2025
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 1-Jan-2025
Set of 2 diff. Ukraine Nazi Occupied WW2 10 and 20 Karb. 1942 vf-xf, stain $80.99 3-Dec-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $69.99 3-Dec-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 21-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 4-Oct-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 22-Sep-2024
HUNGARY WW2 11 pcs Collection Banknotes (VF-XF) 10.000.000 B.PENGO, rare serie $370.00 30-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CustomCode 30 85.71%
US 4 11.43%
AM 1 2.86%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
spacetravel4u 30 85.71%
hilltown-general-store 4 11.43%
lehasle 1 2.86%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$861.29 24.61 19.99 21.753335834266135 62.99 5.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 35 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 8-Dec-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 8-Dec-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 8-Dec-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 30-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 19-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 19-Nov-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 19-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 9-Nov-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 9-Nov-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 9-Nov-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 31-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 31-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 31-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 20-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 20-Oct-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 20-Oct-2024
Serbia - 50 Srpskih Dinara Banknote - 01. 08. 1941 P-26 WW2 Ocupation (VF-XF) $5.99 12-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 10 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $19.99 12-Oct-2024
SERBIA - LOT 50 Banknotes - 100 Srpskih Dinara 1941 WW2 Occupation P-23 (VF-XF) $62.99 12-Oct-2024
Croatia (NDH) - 1000 Kuna Banknote 1941 - P-4 WW2 (VF-XF) $7.59 4-Oct-2024
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