War Currency
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1943 US

Price: $0.01 - $2,200.00
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1943 US
1943 US has appeared in 82 unique listings.

There are currently 7 active listings, 33 sold listings, and 42 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $22,700.06

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Purchasing Suggestions
Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 1943 US on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 7 9%
Sold 33 40%
Unsold 42 51%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 74 90.24%
PH 8 9.76%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
theleato 19 23.17%
needfulthingsdesignsllc 12 14.63%
isafai84 9 10.98%
semper-fi_coins_and_currency 8 9.76%
old_happenings 6 7.32%
mr.philippines 4 4.88%
jamie55554 4 4.88%
oldbestseller 3 3.66%
subgeni 2 2.44%
leavingitatthat 2 2.44%
artcarl 2 2.44%
bgin_5931 1 1.22%
locode-76 1 1.22%
peakeyerkwood 1 1.22%
snydesherr-0 1 1.22%
pdscollectibles 1 1.22%
wwrentz 1 1.22%
lstev14 1 1.22%
hiker221 1 1.22%
lumang.gamit 1 1.22%
silver-city-auctions 1 1.22%
angoo24 1 1.22%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$22,700.06 276.83 4.13 681.2827632220083 2,200.00 0.01
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 82 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 7 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
needfulthingsdesignsllc 1 14.29%
semper-fi_coins_and_currency 1 14.29%
isafai84 1 14.29%
peakeyerkwood 1 14.29%
snydesherr-0 1 14.29%
leavingitatthat 1 14.29%
artcarl 1 14.29%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$18,782.82 722.42 17.96 0 2,200.00 0.01
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 7 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 US WW2 WAR Savings BOND Series E $25 Dollar denomination Printed by the BEP $95.00 28-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 26-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 19-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 12-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 8-Nov-2024
1943 P US Mint 5 Coin Silver Set in White Capital Holder - WW2 War Set $199.99 30-Oct-2024
1943 - US Gem Choice LINCOLN STEEL WW2 CENT! $11.00 30-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 29-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 28-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 26-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 23-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 22-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 15-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 13-Oct-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! $0.01 8-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 7-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 6-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 5-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 3-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 2-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 31 93.94%
PH 2 6.06%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
theleato 19 57.58%
semper-fi_coins_and_currency 6 18.18%
jamie55554 4 12.12%
mr.philippines 2 6.06%
pdscollectibles 1 3.03%
leavingitatthat 1 3.03%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$122.88 3.72 2.25 5.882405103965768 29.99 0.01
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 33 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 US LINCOLN Wartime WW2 Emergency STEEL Cents 100 Assorted! $15.59 10-Mar-2025
1943 US LINCOLN STEEL WW2 Emergency Cent & 1944 Belgium 2 Francs! Same Planchet! $2.25 20-Feb-2025
Rare Old 1943 US WWII Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion Bar Rounds WW2 $4.25 14-Feb-2025
Rare Old 1943 US WWII Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion Bar Rounds WW2 $4.00 14-Feb-2025
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $3.25 5-Feb-2025
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 7-Nov-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 5-Nov-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 2-Nov-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 17-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 13-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 12-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 7-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 6-Oct-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! P922 FREE SHI $3.92 5-Oct-2024
Rare Old 1943 US WWII World War Silver Mercury Dime Coin Collection Bullion WW2 $0.01 5-Oct-2024
1943 - US Rough Choice LINCOLN STEEL WW2 CENT! $1.99 28-Sep-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! AU! Old US Coin! P920 FREE SHI $3.92 28-Sep-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! AU! Old US Coin! P921 FREE SHI $3.92 25-Sep-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! P924 FREE SHI $3.92 25-Sep-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! P925 FREE SHI $3.92 25-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 36 85.71%
PH 6 14.29%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
needfulthingsdesignsllc 11 26.19%
isafai84 8 19.05%
old_happenings 6 14.29%
oldbestseller 3 7.14%
subgeni 2 4.76%
mr.philippines 2 4.76%
locode-76 1 2.38%
bgin_5931 1 2.38%
wwrentz 1 2.38%
semper-fi_coins_and_currency 1 2.38%
lstev14 1 2.38%
hiker221 1 2.38%
lumang.gamit 1 2.38%
silver-city-auctions 1 2.38%
artcarl 1 2.38%
angoo24 1 2.38%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$20,112.28 478.86 30.00 842.750648019845 2,200.00 0.01
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 42 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1943 US WW2 WAR Savings BOND Series E $25 Dollar denomination Printed by the BEP $95.00 8-Dec-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 3-Dec-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 26-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 19-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 13-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 5-Nov-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 29-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 22-Oct-2024
1943 D US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! P926 FREE SHI $5.92 22-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 20-Oct-2024
1943 US LINCOLN "STEEL" Emergency WW2 Issue CENT! Old US Coin! $0.01 13-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 13-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 12-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 7-Oct-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 22-Sep-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 18-Sep-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 15-Sep-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $1.99 11-Sep-2024
1943 US Choice LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! 8PCS $600.00 10-Sep-2024
1943 US Choice AU/Uncirculated LINCOLN EMERGENCY STEEL WW2 CENT! Beauty! BIN $2,200.00 9-Sep-2024
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