War Currency
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Price: $2.10 - $36.00
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50 PFENNIG has appeared in 44 unique listings.

There are currently 6 active listings, 12 sold listings, and 26 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $440.34

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 50 PFENNIG on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 6 14%
Sold 12 27%
Unsold 26 59%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 17 38.64%
US 12 27.27%
DE 8 18.18%
JP 3 6.82%
IE 3 6.82%
PL 1 2.27%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
19vintage58 10 22.73%
digibi 8 18.18%
devon_collectables 3 6.82%
thats_the_way 3 6.82%
timeofvik 3 6.82%
darkwizard66 2 4.55%
oya**0 2 4.55%
tftnumismatics 2 4.55%
eddu4721 2 4.55%
dwest61506 1 2.27%
teriaca 1 2.27%
dapmil-43 1 2.27%
byzant_76 1 2.27%
farny99 1 2.27%
my-haberdashery 1 2.27%
treasuredfinds2019 1 2.27%
se-mi-coins 1 2.27%
germanpostalhistorys 1 2.27%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$440.34 10.01 10.00 7.147318271287095 36.00 2.10
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 44 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 2 33.33%
GB 2 33.33%
IE 2 33.33%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
19vintage58 2 33.33%
oya**0 2 33.33%
timeofvik 2 33.33%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$169.63 7.38 7.83 0 13.23 2.10
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 6 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.11 2-Dec-2024
1/2 Mark 1 Mark Allied Occupation Germany 1944 WW2 Currency 50 Pfennig Note LOT $10.00 27-Nov-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.10 22-Nov-2024
1/2 Mark 1 Mark Allied Occupation Germany 1944 WW2 Currency 50 Pfennig Note LOT $10.00 20-Nov-2024
3 Banknotes 50 Pfennig 1 & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N11 $6.31 18-Nov-2024
WW2 German Period 50 Pfennig 1939 D Munich Mint Scarce Coin $12.62 18-Nov-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $5.11 14-Nov-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.16 8-Nov-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $5.20 8-Nov-2024
Germany allied military currency AMC 50 pfennig 1/2 mark WW2 1944 P-191 UNC- $12.99 26-Oct-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $5.19 23-Oct-2024
1943 Germany 50 Pfennig B WW2 Third Reich Nazi Swastika Coin $5.99 17-Oct-2024
1939 Germany 50 Pfennig J WW2 Third Reich Nazi Swastika Coin $5.99 16-Oct-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $7.83 12-Oct-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.19 5-Oct-2024
Germany allied military currency AMC 50 pfennig 1/2 mark WW2 1944 P-191 UNC- $12.99 3-Oct-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $10.73 29-Sep-2024
Set of 4 WW2 German Coins 1, 5, 10, 50 Pfennig (G14) $16.05 26-Sep-2024
Set of 4 WW2 German Coins 1, 5, 10, 50 Pfennig (G14) $16.05 26-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 7 58.33%
US 4 33.33%
PL 1 8.33%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
devon_collectables 3 25.00%
dwest61506 1 8.33%
teriaca 1 8.33%
dapmil-43 1 8.33%
tftnumismatics 1 8.33%
byzant_76 1 8.33%
farny99 1 8.33%
19vintage58 1 8.33%
treasuredfinds2019 1 8.33%
germanpostalhistorys 1 8.33%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$192.81 16.07 14.34 9.637452226427204 36.00 4.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 12 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
ŁÓDŹ/LITZMANNSTADT workers Banknote 50 pfennig 1940 $11.92 6-Mar-2025
Lot of 10 Germany 3rd Reich World War 2 Coins 1 - 50 Pfennig Zinc Aluminum Brass $12.50 7-Feb-2025
3 Banknotes 50 Pfennig 1 & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N11 $6.31 26-Nov-2024
1940 — 50 Pfennig Note Poland Litzmannstadt Lodz Ghetto - Good Cond. Scarce. $31.31 23-Nov-2024
WW2 German Period 50 Pfennig 1939 D Munich Mint Scarce Coin $12.62 22-Nov-2024
Set of 4 WW2 German Coins 1, 5, 10, 50 Pfennig (G14) $16.05 22-Nov-2024
Set of 4 WW2 German Coins 1, 5, 10, 50 Pfennig (G14) $16.05 7-Nov-2024
Set of 4 WW2 German Coins 1, 5, 10, 50 Pfennig (G14) $16.05 14-Oct-2024
1/2 Mark Allied Occupation Currency 50 Pfennig Note WW2 Germany 1944 $4.00 10-Sep-2024
Nazi German Third Reich WW2 LOT of 6 Coins 1 2 5 10 50 Pfennig 1 Mark 1933-1940 $25.00 27-Aug-2024
1942 E German Third Reich 50 Pfennig Coin - Swastika $36.00 14-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 8 30.77%
GB 8 30.77%
US 6 23.08%
JP 3 11.54%
IE 1 3.85%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
digibi 8 30.77%
19vintage58 7 26.92%
thats_the_way 3 11.54%
darkwizard66 2 7.69%
eddu4721 2 7.69%
tftnumismatics 1 3.85%
timeofvik 1 3.85%
my-haberdashery 1 3.85%
se-mi-coins 1 3.85%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$199.89 7.69 8.66 4.367804429292179 13.23 2.10
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 26 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.11 12-Dec-2024
1/2 Mark 1 Mark Allied Occupation Germany 1944 WW2 Currency 50 Pfennig Note LOT $10.00 4-Dec-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.10 2-Dec-2024
1/2 Mark 1 Mark Allied Occupation Germany 1944 WW2 Currency 50 Pfennig Note LOT $10.00 27-Nov-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.16 16-Nov-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $5.20 13-Nov-2024
Germany allied military currency AMC 50 pfennig 1/2 mark WW2 1944 P-191 UNC- $12.99 5-Nov-2024
Germany allied military currency AMC 50 pfennig 1/2 mark WW2 1944 P-191 UNC- $12.99 5-Nov-2024
Germany allied military currency AMC 50 pfennig 1/2 mark WW2 1944 P-191 UNC- $12.99 5-Nov-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $5.19 2-Nov-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $7.83 21-Oct-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.19 15-Oct-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $10.73 9-Oct-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.23 2-Oct-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.20 22-Sep-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $13.18 17-Sep-2024
3x Gutschein der Stadt Remda Thüringen 1.Juli 1921 20 30 50 Pfennig Sammlung WW2 $2.23 8-Sep-2024
2 Banknotes 50 Pfennig & 50 Mark Germany WW2 Allied Occupation Money 1944 N17 $13.23 8-Sep-2024
1/2 Mark Allied Occupation Currency 50 Pfennig Note WW2 Germany 1944 $10.00 2-Sep-2024
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