War Currency
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Price: $0.01 - $300.00
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FRANCS has appeared in 610 unique listings.

There are currently 59 active listings, 164 sold listings, and 386 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $8,502.44

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view FRANCS on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 59 10%
Sold 164 27%
Unsold 386 63%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 406 66.56%
GB 129 21.15%
JP 22 3.61%
FR 22 3.61%
AU 11 1.80%
CA 8 1.31%
CustomCode 4 0.66%
PL 3 0.49%
NL 3 0.49%
UA 1 0.16%
RS 1 0.16%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 24 3.93%
thats_the_way 22 3.61%
dmddeb 20 3.28%
worldcoinauctions 20 3.28%
banknotes-teach 16 2.62%
neva_7674 15 2.46%
battlefield.store 14 2.30%
danklebes 13 2.13%
braver*grace 13 2.13%
world-money-mundo 13 2.13%
dandyfinds 11 1.80%
4mefilms 11 1.80%
tresordulac73 11 1.80%
iamchrisdyke 10 1.64%
smithb71238 10 1.64%
cblocher 10 1.64%
bargainhunt2000 10 1.64%
mycola5 10 1.64%
al-657322 9 1.48%
oto-62469 9 1.48%
jackinvt 9 1.48%
yakas_9512 8 1.31%
jason_bowes8xjq 8 1.31%
gilbo-166185 8 1.31%
mcspropertypreservation 7 1.15%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$8,502.44 13.94 7.77 21.468736357828227 300.00 0.01
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 610 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 36 61.02%
GB 10 16.95%
FR 5 8.47%
JP 3 5.08%
CA 2 3.39%
AU 2 3.39%
UA 1 1.69%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 4 6.78%
rtnumis 3 5.08%
genieten999 3 5.08%
thats_the_way 3 5.08%
banknotes-teach 2 3.39%
angel_lottie 2 3.39%
bargainhunt2000 2 3.39%
pinguinet_62 2 3.39%
dmddeb 2 3.39%
funno15 2 3.39%
oya**0 2 3.39%
iamchrisdyke 2 3.39%
angainor*numis 2 3.39%
davalounge 1 1.69%
cblocher 1 1.69%
gilbo-166185 1 1.69%
worldcoinauctions 1 1.69%
battlefield.store 1 1.69%
danklebes 1 1.69%
petethegreek1 1 1.69%
jackinvt 1 1.69%
yakas_9512 1 1.69%
koinkupboard 1 1.69%
slav8970 1 1.69%
ocex 1 1.69%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$4,954.87 13.65 7.36 15.667202234181627 80.00 0.01
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 59 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1944 emis en france deux francs 2 dollar bank note from ww1 ww2 $25.00 3-Dec-2024
France WW2 1944 Allied Military Currency 5 Francs $9.99 3-Dec-2024
France WW2 1944 Allied Military Currency 2 Francs "Rare Triple Hand Dated" $11.99 3-Dec-2024
Morocco ---WW2 Era---50 Francs Note---Circa 1943 $4.50 2-Dec-2024
24 X WWII WW2 Second World War France Coins francs occupied French Job Lot $6.34 1-Dec-2024
Rare & Vintage WW 2 1944 Allied Military Currency France Cinq 5 Francs Note $7.56 1-Dec-2024
Ww2 Coins 1950 France Francs $6.34 1-Dec-2024
2 Allied Forces Occupation banknotes WW2 2 French Francs 1 German Mark 1944 $6.98 1-Dec-2024
1943 BELGIUM 10 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.43 1-Dec-2024
1943 BELGIUM 5 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.77 1-Dec-2024
France 2 Francs Coin 1943 Foreign International WW2 (a30) $2.50 1-Dec-2024
New Caledonia “Noumea” 5 Francs Banknote WW2 Circ GI Bring Back See Pics $0.01 1-Dec-2024
lot old Belgium coins 10, 25 and 50 Centimes 5 1 Francs 1904 onwards incl WW2 $6.34 30-Nov-2024
1944 5 Francs French Paper WW2 Series DE $2.25 30-Nov-2024
Emis En France Allied WW2 Currency 2 5 10 Francs 1944 Banknotes 1/2 Mark German $5.00 30-Nov-2024
WW2 Allied Invasion Currency Framed Yen Lire Mark Francs Peso $60.00 29-Nov-2024
France 10 Francs 1944 WW 2 $4.95 29-Nov-2024
1944 France 5 Francs Banknote Ww2 $1.27 29-Nov-2024
1944 France 5 Cinq Francs Banknote, WW2 $5.00 29-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 111 67.68%
GB 36 21.95%
FR 6 3.66%
CA 4 2.44%
PL 3 1.83%
NL 2 1.22%
CustomCode 1 0.61%
RS 1 0.61%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
world-money-mundo 12 7.32%
smithb71238 10 6.10%
banknotes-teach 10 6.10%
jackinvt 7 4.27%
tresordulac73 6 3.66%
306_collectables 5 3.05%
neva_7674 5 3.05%
vikingarthur253 5 3.05%
jbvalu 4 2.44%
worldcoinauctions 4 2.44%
teriaca 3 1.83%
athenanotes 3 1.83%
angel_lottie 3 1.83%
1909_collectibles 2 1.22%
keydatecoin2 2 1.22%
tbb0929 2 1.22%
coinscurrency 2 1.22%
coincollectiblesdj 2 1.22%
pinguinet_62 2 1.22%
funkyflippin 2 1.22%
winkingdevilsneedfulthings 2 1.22%
jamfan23 2 1.22%
davalounge 2 1.22%
917importantinfo 2 1.22%
jjwabraham 2 1.22%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,472.84 8.98 6.00 11.292954233426393 100.00 0.74
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 164 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1944 SWITZERLAND 2 FRANCS - AU - RARE SILVER COIN - WW2 Date - lot #B3 $11.05 6-Mar-2025
6 FRANCE 20 10 5 Francs 1916 Circulated Banknote Vintage World War 2 Currency $25.00 2-Mar-2025
France 100 Francs Allied Military Banknote 1944 WW2 Provisional Currency P-123c $4.25 2-Mar-2025
US Military Payment Notes - 10 Sen 1 Lira 5 Francs 1 Mark - WW2 MPC $6.99 19-Feb-2025
1944 Switzerland Silver 2 Francs, WW2 Era $11.99 15-Feb-2025
Large 1 2 5 Francs Coin Collection WW2 Coins ALUM Fine $18.25 11-Feb-2025
Lot 15 French Aluminum Francs (1) 5 francs; (4) 2 francs; (6) 1 franc; (4) 50c $1.00 10-Feb-2025
francs dix currency lot world war 2 II 14 lot japanese Sen 50 cinquante francs $14.01 5-Feb-2025
1944 FRANCE 10 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Old War Time Collectible Note $1.70 4-Feb-2025
France - 2 Francs note - 1944 WW2 Allied Occupation Currency. Free Shipping $10.00 1-Feb-2025
1943 BELGIUM 5 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.77 28-Jan-2025
France 1944 2/5/10 Francs WW2 3 Banknote Lot N1711 $2.76 27-Jan-2025
1940 SWITZERLAND 2 FRANCS - WW2 Era Silver Coin - lot #D26 $16.50 25-Jan-2025
1944 France 2 Francs Coin + French 10 Francs WW2 Allied Military Currency Note $18.00 24-Jan-2025
Morocco 1943 WW2 Issue 5 Francs Banknote Circ P#24 See Pics $3.99 23-Jan-2025
1944 SWITZERLAND 2 FRANCS - WW2 Era Silver Coin - lot #D23 $9.05 22-Jan-2025
World Currency WW2 Bank Note 1944 Tunisia (Algeria) 5 Francs P#15 VF Free Ship $5.99 21-Jan-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 258 66.84%
GB 83 21.50%
JP 19 4.92%
FR 11 2.85%
AU 9 2.33%
CustomCode 3 0.78%
CA 2 0.52%
NL 1 0.26%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sellingpower 20 5.18%
thats_the_way 19 4.92%
dmddeb 18 4.66%
worldcoinauctions 15 3.89%
battlefield.store 13 3.37%
braver*grace 13 3.37%
dandyfinds 11 2.85%
danklebes 11 2.85%
4mefilms 11 2.85%
neva_7674 10 2.59%
mycola5 10 2.59%
al-657322 9 2.33%
cblocher 9 2.33%
oto-62469 9 2.33%
iamchrisdyke 8 2.07%
jason_bowes8xjq 8 2.07%
bargainhunt2000 8 2.07%
yakas_9512 7 1.81%
cada_932104 7 1.81%
gilbo-166185 7 1.81%
sonnyboyjed 7 1.81%
pops1671929 7 1.81%
ni612018 6 1.55%
mcspropertypreservation 6 1.55%
auction-player 6 1.55%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$5,683.16 14.72 7.77 21.598240202287325 300.00 0.01
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 386 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
France 2 Francs Coin 1943 Foreign International WW2 (a30) $2.50 29-Jan-2025
1944 France Allied Military Payment Certificate 2 Francs MPC WW2 French Currency $6.00 25-Jan-2025
Luxembourg 50 10 20 francs bill lot - some Ww2 Era - Banknote Currency $75.00 16-Jan-2025
Belgium 6 Coin LOT WW2 German Occupation 1 5 Francs $24.85 1-Jan-2025
France WW2 1944 Allied Military Currency 5 Francs $9.99 30-Dec-2024
France WW2 1944 Allied Military Currency 2 Francs "Rare Triple Hand Dated" $11.99 30-Dec-2024
1944 France Allied Military Payment Certificate 2 Francs MPC WW2 French Currency $8.00 29-Dec-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Dec-2024
FRANCE 1943 10 Franc Francs Ten Franc WWII World War 2 Banknote WW2 Currency $20.00 25-Dec-2024
Vichy France 4 Coin Lot 1943 1944 B C - 50 Centimes 1 Franc 2 Francs WWII WW2 $23.69 16-Dec-2024
1944 emis en france deux francs 2 dollar bank note from ww1 ww2 $25.00 10-Dec-2024
lot old Belgium coins 10, 25 and 50 Centimes 5 1 Francs 1904 onwards incl WW2 $6.34 10-Dec-2024
24 X WWII WW2 Second World War France Coins francs occupied French Job Lot $6.34 8-Dec-2024
1943 5 Francs L Banknote German WW2 ERA OCCUPIED France 1943 World Currency AU $9.99 8-Dec-2024
2 Allied Forces Occupation banknotes WW2 2 French Francs 1 German Mark 1944 $6.98 8-Dec-2024
Rare & Vintage WW 2 1944 Allied Military Currency France Cinq 5 Francs Note $7.56 8-Dec-2024
Ww2 Coins 1950 France Francs $6.34 8-Dec-2024
Rare WW2 1941 Algeria 5 Francs Banknote Vgc $38.04 8-Dec-2024
1943 BELGIUM 5 Francs Banknote WWII WW2 Collectible Note $1.77 8-Dec-2024
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