War Currency
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Price: $0.11 - $62.75
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DRACHMA has appeared in 81 unique listings.

There are currently 8 active listings, 69 sold listings, and 4 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $835.12

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view DRACHMA on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 8 10%
Sold 69 85%
Unsold 4 5%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 43 53.09%
US 36 44.44%
CA 1 1.23%
BG 1 1.23%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
germanpostalhistorys 39 48.15%
jamie55554 23 28.40%
modeldudewilliam 5 6.17%
athenanotes 4 4.94%
banknotes-teach 3 3.70%
1742irene 1 1.23%
jewelleryemporium 1 1.23%
pinguinet_62 1 1.23%
astoria-collectibles 1 1.23%
smithb71238 1 1.23%
buyinbg 1 1.23%
kappyscoins 1 1.23%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$835.12 10.31 12.21 10.558770562296896 62.75 0.11
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 81 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 5 62.50%
GB 1 12.50%
CA 1 12.50%
BG 1 12.50%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
modeldudewilliam 3 37.50%
athenanotes 1 12.50%
jamie55554 1 12.50%
pinguinet_62 1 12.50%
astoria-collectibles 1 12.50%
buyinbg 1 12.50%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$90.71 4.54 0.99 6.396584616027524 19.95 0.11
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 8 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Greece 500,000 drachma banknote 1944 WW2 Pick 126 $5.64 25-Nov-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp AU WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X838 $0.99 15-Nov-2024
MEDUSA Greek Mythology, Greece 5 Million DRACHMA WW2 WWI Era 1944 Greek Currency $19.95 30-Oct-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp Uncirculated WW2 1 of 2 Consecutives X841 $0.99 26-Oct-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp Uncirculated WW2 1 of 2 Consecutives X840 $0.99 26-Oct-2024
Greece Banknote 5000 Drachma Currency 1942 WW2 WWII Era Higher Grade Greek Note $19.95 23-Oct-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp AU WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X838 $0.99 18-Oct-2024
WWII WW2 Greece DRACHMA 1944 5 Million Pre Euro Greek Currency NOTE $11.95 16-Oct-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp AU WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X836 $0.99 9-Oct-2024
GREECE 1000 1,000 DRACHMA P-100 1926 with Post ww2 reenactment Stamp. $0.50 1-Oct-2024
1939 Greece 10 Drachma with Post ww2 reenactment Stamp. $0.50 1-Oct-2024
Greece, 1000 Drachma, 1939, Circulated crease on left corner. WW2 occupation. $4.02 30-Sep-2024
1944 $200 Greece Drachma Choice Very Fine! WW2! Old Greek Currency! $0.99 23-Sep-2024
Greece WW2 500 Million Drachma, & 10, Both 1944 $3.98 22-Sep-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Uncirculated WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X834 $0.99 18-Sep-2024
1941 $5 Greece Drachma AU WW2 Consecutives X832 Set of 2! $0.99 10-Sep-2024
1944 $200 Greece Drachma Choice Very Fine! WW2! Old Greek Currency! $0.99 6-Sep-2024
GREECE 1000 1,000 DRACHMA P-100 1926 with Fake ww2 Stamp. $0.11 1-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 42 60.87%
US 27 39.13%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
germanpostalhistorys 39 56.52%
jamie55554 22 31.88%
modeldudewilliam 2 2.90%
1742irene 1 1.45%
jewelleryemporium 1 1.45%
banknotes-teach 1 1.45%
smithb71238 1 1.45%
kappyscoins 1 1.45%
athenanotes 1 1.45%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$709.71 10.29 12.21 10.82502555183394 62.75 0.50
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 69 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
MEDUSA Greek Mythology, Greece 5 Million DRACHMA WW2 WWI Era 1944 Greek Currency $19.95 17-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #32 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #31 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #30 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #27 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #25 $12.42 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #24 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 1000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #23 $12.21 2-Feb-2025
Greece banknote 5,000,000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #26 $12.21 29-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 50 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #25 $12.21 29-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 5,000,000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #24 $12.42 29-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 100,000 Drachma German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #22 $12.24 29-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 5,000 Drachma, German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #14 $12.20 29-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 25,000 Drachma, German occupation WWII Hand Stamped #98 $12.42 29-Jan-2025
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp AU/Unc WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X885! $1.25 25-Jan-2025
1941 $5 Greece Drachma Choice Crisp AU/Unc WW2 Consecutives Set of 2! X883! $0.99 22-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 15 x Drachma, German occupation WWII Hand Stamped $61.04 20-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 15 x Drachma, German occupation WWII Hand Stamped ~110 $62.75 20-Jan-2025
Greece banknote 5 million Drachma, German occupation WWII Hand Stamped ~109 $12.56 20-Jan-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 4 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
athenanotes 2 50.00%
banknotes-teach 2 50.00%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$79.80 19.95 19.95 0 19.95 19.95
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 4 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
MEDUSA Greek Mythology, Greece 5 Million DRACHMA WW2 WWI Era 1944 Greek Currency $19.95 1-Jan-1970
1944 German Occupied Greece 1 Million Drachma Currency WW2 WWII Banknote Note $19.95 1-Jan-1970
Poseidon Temple WW2 1944 Greece 1 Million Drachma Currency WWII Banknote $19.95 1-Jan-1970
1944 German Occupied Greece 1 Million Drachma Currency WW2 WWII Banknote Note $19.95 1-Jan-1970
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