War Currency
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Price: $0.50 - $50.00
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WW2 PHILIPPINES has appeared in 167 unique listings.

There are currently 19 active listings, 47 sold listings, and 100 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $2,166.77

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view WW2 PHILIPPINES on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 19 11%
Sold 47 28%
Unsold 100 61%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 117 70.06%
PH 48 28.74%
GB 2 1.20%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sarisaricart 47 28.14%
athenanotes 18 10.78%
shipwreckedgiftshop 14 8.38%
banknotes-teach 12 7.19%
typecollector 10 5.99%
infladiana 8 4.79%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 6 3.59%
ger610kp 6 3.59%
jercar5053 3 1.80%
francaisam-50 3 1.80%
oldntym 3 1.80%
suzeth 2 1.20%
icsoccer 2 1.20%
samd991 2 1.20%
germanpostalhistorys 2 1.20%
teerexcollectibles 2 1.20%
jaalt-1748 2 1.20%
curiousgoodsoddthings 2 1.20%
kg6gjm 2 1.20%
g.p.walt 2 1.20%
thngs4sail 1 0.60%
gilmores_goodies 1 0.60%
swkwrw 1 0.60%
panalaik718 1 0.60%
uscoinsandjewelry1 1 0.60%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,166.77 12.97 9.99 9.508455662364478 50.00 0.50
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 167 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 15 78.95%
PH 4 21.05%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sarisaricart 4 21.05%
athenanotes 3 15.79%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 2 10.53%
ger610kp 2 10.53%
shipwreckedgiftshop 1 5.26%
infladiana 1 5.26%
jercar5053 1 5.26%
suzeth 1 5.26%
maccoins_2819 1 5.26%
flightoffancy 1 5.26%
uniqcoin 1 5.26%
ray6564 1 5.26%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,287.01 13.69 11.00 9.10412851206732 50.00 0.50
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 19 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 29-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 29-Nov-2024
Small Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Centavos WWII Currency Banknote $4.95 28-Nov-2024
Small Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Centavos WWII Currency Banknote $4.95 28-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 50 Centavos 1942 WWII Currency Banknote Bill $4.95 28-Nov-2024
14 Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 & 10 Centavo WWII Currency Banknotes $2.50 25-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 22-Nov-2024
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 18-Nov-2024
1944 S WW2 Philippines 50 Cent Coin SILVER #7121 $20.00 18-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 15-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Mountain Province 1 Peso ND S601 Emergency Banknote AU Crisp $17.50 14-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 PHILIPPINES Negros 5 Pesos Emergency Banknote S648 CS Both Sides PAID $12.00 10-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 10-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 10-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 1941 50 CENTAVO Pre Surrender Ornament Issue S304 $11.00 10-Nov-2024
S680 Negros Island 20 Pesos 1944 WW2 Philippines Emergency Currency About Unc. $5.00 8-Nov-2024
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 8-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 8-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 1941 50 CENTAVO Pre Surrender Ornament Issue S304 $11.00 8-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 8-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 43 91.49%
PH 4 8.51%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
banknotes-teach 10 21.28%
athenanotes 7 14.89%
shipwreckedgiftshop 4 8.51%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 4 8.51%
sarisaricart 3 6.38%
icsoccer 2 4.26%
curiousgoodsoddthings 2 4.26%
thngs4sail 1 2.13%
kg6gjm 1 2.13%
swkwrw 1 2.13%
suzeth 1 2.13%
uscoinsandjewelry1 1 2.13%
ger610kp 1 2.13%
samd991 1 2.13%
infladiana 1 2.13%
typecollector 1 2.13%
michaelalius 1 2.13%
expressionsbypaula 1 2.13%
japantiquecoin 1 2.13%
pacrat0_4 1 2.13%
gilmores_goodies 1 2.13%
pinoypicker 1 2.13%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$488.18 10.39 5.95 10.32738378157036 49.80 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 47 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
WW2 Philippines 5 Pesos JIM P-110 Double Stamps Safe Keeping Japanese Characters $30.00 28-Feb-2025
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation "X" 10 Pesos PD 1942 WWII Banknote $2.00 23-Feb-2025
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation "X" 10 Pesos 1942 WWII Banknote $1.50 9-Feb-2025
IN SLEEVE Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 50 Centavos 1942 WWII Currency $5.95 8-Feb-2025
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 18-Jan-2025
Small Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 Centavo WWII Currency Banknote $4.95 14-Jan-2025
1941 WW2 Philippines Iloilo 1 Peso UNC Emergency Note $49.80 7-Jan-2025
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 10 Pesos 1942 WWII Currency Banknote Bill $6.95 29-Dec-2024
Japanese army military currency 5 Pesos old banknotes 5 pcs WW2 Philippines $20.00 24-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 50 Centavos 1942 WWII Currency Banknote Bill $2.95 21-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 Philippines Mountain Province 10 Centavos Emergency Note $13.48 16-Dec-2024
Tiny Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation Centavos Set WWII Currency Banknote Lot $9.95 15-Dec-2024
Small Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 Centavo WWII Currency Banknote $4.95 15-Dec-2024
WW2 Philippines Victory Peso Notes $46.00 10-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 10 Pesos 1942 WWII Currency Banknote Bill $4.95 1-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $9.95 1-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 Pesos WWII Era Currency Banknote Bill $5.95 1-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 Pesos WWII Era Currency Banknote Bill $5.95 16-Nov-2024
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 15-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Mountain Province 1 Peso ND S601 Emergency Banknote AU Crisp $17.50 15-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 58 58.00%
PH 40 40.00%
GB 2 2.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sarisaricart 40 40.00%
typecollector 9 9.00%
shipwreckedgiftshop 9 9.00%
athenanotes 8 8.00%
infladiana 6 6.00%
ger610kp 3 3.00%
francaisam-50 3 3.00%
oldntym 3 3.00%
jercar5053 2 2.00%
germanpostalhistorys 2 2.00%
teerexcollectibles 2 2.00%
jaalt-1748 2 2.00%
banknotes-teach 2 2.00%
samd991 1 1.00%
powerofprayer22 1 1.00%
mementomatty 1 1.00%
deik_3583 1 1.00%
panalaik718 1 1.00%
bigcitychic 1 1.00%
g.p.walt 1 1.00%
kg6gjm 1 1.00%
ancestral-spirit 1 1.00%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,413.98 14.14 12.00 9.12068593692382 50.00 0.50
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 100 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Lot of 9 Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 50 Centavos 1942 WWII Banknote Bill $13.00 8-Jan-2025
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 9-Dec-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 6-Dec-2024
14 Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 1 & 10 Centavo WWII Currency Banknotes $2.50 30-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 29-Nov-2024
5 diff. WW2 Philippines 1940's Japanese invasion paper money circulated-Au $9.99 25-Nov-2024
Japanese WW2 Philippines Occupation 5 Pesos WWII Currency Banknote Paper Money $0.50 22-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 17-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 17-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 1941 50 CENTAVO Pre Surrender Ornament Issue S304 $11.00 17-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 PHILIPPINES Negros 5 Pesos Emergency Banknote S648 CS Both Sides PAID $12.00 17-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES 1943 Mindanao 3nd Emergency Banknote S503 20 Centavos UNC $18.00 15-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES 1943 Mindanao 3nd Emergency Banknote S502 10 Centavos UNC Crispy $17.00 15-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 10-Nov-2024
WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 1941 50 CENTAVO Pre Surrender Ornament Issue S304 $11.00 10-Nov-2024
1941 WW2 PHILIPPINES Iloilo 10 Pesos S309 Pre-Surrender Issue CS Sagay 1944 Note $19.99 10-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 PHILIPPINES Negros 5 Pesos Emergency Banknote S648 CS Both Sides PAID $12.00 10-Nov-2024
S684 Negros Island 20 Pesos 1944: WW2 Philippines Emergency Currency, About UNC $14.99 10-Nov-2024
S680 Negros Island 20 Pesos 1944 AU55: WW2 Philippines Emergency Currency $4.99 10-Nov-2024
S644 Negros Occidental 20c 1942, VF27: WW2 Philippines Emergency Currency $9.99 10-Nov-2024
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