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1942 WW2

Price: $0.01 - $689.95
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1942 WW2
1942 WW2 has appeared in 328 unique listings.

There are currently 32 active listings, 65 sold listings, and 228 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $13,053.39

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 1942 WW2 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 32 10%
Sold 65 20%
Unsold 228 70%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 187 57.01%
AU 47 14.33%
LV 24 7.32%
IE 21 6.40%
PH 12 3.66%
GB 11 3.35%
JP 9 2.74%
CA 6 1.83%
NO 5 1.52%
CZ 2 0.61%
PL 2 0.61%
DE 1 0.30%
CN 1 0.30%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
irish-maniac 48 14.63%
ricoehl_0 47 14.33%
al-657322 42 12.80%
livonian_knight 24 7.32%
phoenix_numismatics 16 4.88%
c.caliban 16 4.88%
pattkoep-0 13 3.96%
sellingpower 13 3.96%
sarisaricart 11 3.35%
fujinumismaticjapan 9 2.74%
stampspacific 8 2.44%
ernoj-32 7 2.13%
ezdealz23 5 1.52%
philae_centraal 5 1.52%
kappyscoins 5 1.52%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 4 1.22%
amiixofeverything 4 1.22%
fun4fun4u 3 0.91%
stoc7815 3 0.91%
federalbookcollectibles 3 0.91%
leximon2000 2 0.61%
cashquickgold-silver 2 0.61%
pl.te84 2 0.61%
susietweety 2 0.61%
athenanotes 2 0.61%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$13,053.39 39.80 7.49 93.89305200712792 689.95 0.01
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 328 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 24 75.00%
AU 4 12.50%
CA 1 3.12%
GB 1 3.12%
IE 1 3.12%
PH 1 3.12%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ricoehl_0 12 37.50%
irish-maniac 3 9.38%
stampspacific 3 9.38%
sellingpower 2 6.25%
al-657322 2 6.25%
athenanotes 2 6.25%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 1 3.12%
phoenix_numismatics 1 3.12%
ernoj-32 1 3.12%
sarisaricart 1 3.12%
leximon2000 1 3.12%
astoria-collectibles 1 3.12%
berlingobabe 1 3.12%
federalbookcollectibles 1 3.12%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$9,846.13 47.57 11.99 100.39567912317796 395.00 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 32 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 2-Dec-2024
Vintage 1942 WW2 10 Centesimi Italian Fascist Copper Coin $6.34 30-Nov-2024
Norway 10 øre 1942 WW2 German Occupation KM#389 Zinc aVF $0.99 29-Nov-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig ~ German ~ Germany, 1pf Coin $0.63 27-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig~ Germany,Circulated, 3rd Reich, Has Oxidation $3.99 27-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 US Philippines 1 Peso ILOCOS NORTE Emergency Treasury Certificate $50.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 25-Nov-2024
Lot of 2 WWII Japanese Occupation Over Philippines 10 Centavos 1942 WW2 BankNote $3.49 22-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 19-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 19-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 19-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 18-Nov-2024
$1 2017 DCleveland BEP D-D Block True Birthday Note Feb 2 1942 WW2 Note🇺🇸 🪖 $19.99 15-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 45 69.23%
GB 7 10.77%
CA 4 6.15%
AU 3 4.62%
IE 2 3.08%
PL 2 3.08%
DE 1 1.54%
PH 1 1.54%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ricoehl_0 16 24.62%
pattkoep-0 10 15.38%
ratcoinsandcollectibles 3 4.62%
susietweety 2 3.08%
cashquickgold-silver 2 3.08%
banknotes-teach 2 3.08%
fun4fun4u 2 3.08%
c.caliban 2 3.08%
tompress 2 3.08%
bob1105 1 1.54%
thesavoytruffle 1 1.54%
sellingmyplus 1 1.54%
ezdealz23 1 1.54%
sero815 1 1.54%
sarisaricart 1 1.54%
407luiso 1 1.54%
constitutionclct 1 1.54%
interestingtreasures11 1 1.54%
123jbyrne 1 1.54%
leximon2000 1 1.54%
al-657322 1 1.54%
tanddturner 1 1.54%
phoenix_numismatics 1 1.54%
angel_lottie 1 1.54%
stampspacific 1 1.54%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,332.52 20.50 3.95 51.18703489599477 268.15 0.01
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 65 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Ukraine- 20 Karbowanez 1942 * WW2 German Occupation * PMG Gem UNC 66 EPQ $187.50 8-Mar-2025
1942 WW2 Japan 10 Sen Coin Y#61 Showa $3.11 7-Mar-2025
1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig ~ German ~ Germany, 1pf Coin $0.01 17-Feb-2025
Currency Germany 1942 WW2 Wehrmacht 3rd Reich Reich Era 05 RPF Uncirculated $15.99 8-Feb-2025
Currency Germany 1942 WW2 Wehrmacht 3rd Reich War Era 1 RM Note Uncirculated $15.99 5-Feb-2025
Ukraine- 20 Karbowanez 1942 * WW2 German Occupation * PMG Gem UNC 66 EPQ $135.50 31-Jan-2025
Bohemia & Moravia 1942 WW2 Banknote 10 Korun P#8a Circ. Tougher Type! $3.24 23-Jan-2025
Germany Buchenwald Concentration Camp 3 RM Banknote 1942 ww2 lagergeld prison $268.15 10-Jan-2025
Italy - 50 Centesimi Coin - 1942 WW2 Vintage Coin $6.00 8-Jan-2025
1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig ~ German ~ Germany, 1pf Coin $0.66 3-Jan-2025
A 1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig~ Germany,Circulated, 3rd Reich, WWII Coin $4.25 29-Dec-2024
Currency Denmark 1942 WW2 Danish Legion Feldpost 50 War Era Occ Uncirculated $51.95 17-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 Philippines Mountain Province 10 Centavos Emergency Note $13.48 16-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 9-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 1 Reichspfennig ~ German ~ Germany, 1pf Coin $0.63 4-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 San Francisco Mint Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar H1319 $19.95 27-Nov-2024
WWII Japanese Occupation Over Philippines 10 Centavos 1942 WW2 Memorabilia Note $3.95 21-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 116 50.88%
AU 40 17.54%
LV 24 10.53%
IE 18 7.89%
PH 10 4.39%
JP 9 3.95%
NO 5 2.19%
GB 3 1.32%
CZ 2 0.88%
CA 1 0.44%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
irish-maniac 45 19.74%
al-657322 39 17.11%
livonian_knight 24 10.53%
ricoehl_0 19 8.33%
c.caliban 14 6.14%
phoenix_numismatics 14 6.14%
sellingpower 11 4.82%
sarisaricart 9 3.95%
fujinumismaticjapan 9 3.95%
ernoj-32 6 2.63%
philae_centraal 5 2.19%
stampspacific 4 1.75%
ezdealz23 4 1.75%
amiixofeverything 4 1.75%
pattkoep-0 3 1.32%
stoc7815 3 1.32%
kappyscoins 3 1.32%
pl.te84 2 0.88%
silvadyne 2 0.88%
federalbookcollectibles 1 0.44%
mr.philippines 1 0.44%
fun4fun4u 1 0.44%
ejinerb02 1 0.44%
discounts_4-you 1 0.44%
jinks3367 1 0.44%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$10,041.57 44.04 11.99 96.18452467467954 395.00 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 228 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Lot of 2 WWII Japanese Occupation Over Philippines 10 Centavos 1942 WW2 BankNote $3.49 14-Jan-2025
Vintage 1942 WW2 10 Centesimi Italian Fascist Copper Coin $6.34 30-Dec-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 10-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 10-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 10-Dec-2024
Norway 10 øre 1942 WW2 German Occupation KM#389 Zinc aVF $0.99 9-Dec-2024
$1 2017 DCleveland BEP D-D Block True Birthday Note Feb 2 1942 WW2 Note🇺🇸 🪖 $19.99 9-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 US Philippines 1 Peso ILOCOS NORTE Emergency Treasury Certificate $50.00 3-Dec-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 2-Dec-2024
Algeria 5 Cinq Francs Banknote 1942 ww2 era banknote bill currency $25.00 28-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 5, 10, 20 $49.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100 $85.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 German Occupied UKRAINE Karbowanez Banknote 50, 100, 200 $395.00 26-Nov-2024
1942 WW2 JAPANESE OCCUPIED BURMA - 100 RUPEES - XF - AS2 $2.50 25-Nov-2024
Norway 10 øre 1942 WW2 German Occupation KM#389 Zinc aVF $0.99 25-Nov-2024
Lot of 2 WWII Japanese Occupation Over Philippines 10 Centavos 1942 WW2 BankNote $3.99 21-Nov-2024
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