War Currency
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Price: $2.03 - $300.00
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ST has appeared in 89 unique listings.

There are currently 14 active listings, 14 sold listings, and 61 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $2,521.42

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view ST on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 14 16%
Sold 14 16%
Unsold 61 68%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 79 88.76%
FR 8 8.99%
DE 1 1.12%
US 1 1.12%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sue8349*123 22 24.72%
joba383133 13 14.61%
foun_bo 11 12.36%
lego-n-more 8 8.99%
artistic.medal 8 8.99%
*firestorm1* 3 3.37%
ukcoin2014 3 3.37%
csys1 3 3.37%
opeth555 2 2.25%
spainy73 2 2.25%
sunshine_and_moonbeams 1 1.12%
backinthedayreenactmentfurniture 1 1.12%
ralphs-retro 1 1.12%
dell-boyz 1 1.12%
asounds01 1 1.12%
samdv1 1 1.12%
posterity.in.posters 1 1.12%
whump-whack 1 1.12%
bmgabriella 1 1.12%
vintage_variables 1 1.12%
britanniacoinco 1 1.12%
cccp-1-11 1 1.12%
stretchyourcash 1 1.12%
ro-lon6 1 1.12%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,521.42 28.33 4.65 63.01821110714789 300.00 2.03
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 89 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 12 85.71%
FR 2 14.29%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sue8349*123 2 14.29%
artistic.medal 2 14.29%
opeth555 2 14.29%
csys1 2 14.29%
joba383133 1 7.14%
backinthedayreenactmentfurniture 1 7.14%
asounds01 1 7.14%
samdv1 1 7.14%
whump-whack 1 7.14%
bmgabriella 1 7.14%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,605.90 26.77 4.54 61.43728123053624 300.00 3.13
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 14 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.45 1-Dec-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.18 1-Dec-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.06 28-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.75 25-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.13 25-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.05 21-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.16 18-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.80 14-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.08 14-Nov-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.47 14-Nov-2024
RARE - WW2 searchlights on St Paul's £2 coin - Collectors coin $12.87 12-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.24 10-Nov-2024
Medal 1944 WW2 Wedding Gyptis Nann Ligure Protis Phocaean Marseille St Tropez $169.87 8-Nov-2024
Médaille 1944 WW2 mariage Gyptis Nann Ligure Protis phocéen Marseille St Tropez $161.84 8-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.19 8-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.89 8-Nov-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.55 8-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.25 8-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.19 31-Oct-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.65 29-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 13 92.86%
DE 1 7.14%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ukcoin2014 3 21.43%
sue8349*123 2 14.29%
sunshine_and_moonbeams 1 7.14%
*firestorm1* 1 7.14%
dell-boyz 1 7.14%
vintage_variables 1 7.14%
lego-n-more 1 7.14%
britanniacoinco 1 7.14%
foun_bo 1 7.14%
cccp-1-11 1 7.14%
ro-lon6 1 7.14%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$208.72 14.91 4.68 21.500316561504345 76.04 2.03
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 14 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.65 21-Feb-2025
Russia Russia 2 Roubles 2000 WW2 NOVOROSSIYSK St Petersburg Mint SpMD UNC $2.03 18-Jan-2025
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.77 3-Jan-2025
2005 St Paul's Cathedral The Second World War £2 Piedfort Silver Proof Coins $76.04 13-Dec-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.45 12-Dec-2024
2005 St Paul's Cathedral VE Day End of WW2 Circulated Two Pound (£2) Coin $7.40 4-Nov-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.67 28-Oct-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.69 18-Oct-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.45 9-Oct-2024
2005 St Pauls Cathedral WW2 Silver Proof Piedfort MS67-68 / CGS96 Graded £2 Coin $49.80 22-Sep-2024
2005 EII £2 Two Pound Coin - WW2 St Paul’s The Blitz 1945 - 2005 $5.22 18-Sep-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II $6.48 12-Sep-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.35 19-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 54 88.52%
FR 6 9.84%
US 1 1.64%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sue8349*123 18 29.51%
joba383133 12 19.67%
foun_bo 10 16.39%
lego-n-more 7 11.48%
artistic.medal 6 9.84%
*firestorm1* 2 3.28%
spainy73 2 3.28%
ralphs-retro 1 1.64%
csys1 1 1.64%
stretchyourcash 1 1.64%
posterity.in.posters 1 1.64%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,610.31 26.40 4.53 60.9977055423376 300.00 3.13
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 61 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Rare 2 Pound Coin St Pauls Cathedral Two Saint Paul’s 2005 WW2 WWII World War II $52.30 28-Jan-2025
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.18 8-Dec-2024
Medal 1944 WW2 Wedding Gyptis Nann Ligure Protis Phocaean Marseille St Tropez $169.87 6-Dec-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.06 5-Dec-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.75 4-Dec-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.13 1-Dec-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.05 28-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.80 24-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.16 24-Nov-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.47 23-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.08 21-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.24 17-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.19 15-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.89 15-Nov-2024
£2 two pound coin WW2 St Paul's Cathedral Anniversary 1945-2005 World War II Lot $4.55 13-Nov-2024
2005 St Paul's cathedral end of WW2 2 pound coin. $3.25 10-Nov-2024
Medal 1944 WW2 Wedding Gyptis Nann Ligurian Protis Om Marseille St Tropez $171.91 8-Nov-2024
Medal 1944 WW2 Wedding Gyptis Nann Ligure Protis Phocaean Marseille St Tropez $171.44 8-Nov-2024
£2 pound coin. St Paul's Cathedral 1945 - 2005 Anniversary Of WW2 FREE DELIVERY $5.19 7-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.87 4-Nov-2024
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