War Currency
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Price: $3.75 - $52.30
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ST PAULS CATHEDRAL has appeared in 21 unique listings.

There are currently 3 active listings, 5 sold listings, and 13 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $182.37

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view ST PAULS CATHEDRAL on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 3 14%
Sold 5 24%
Unsold 13 62%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 21 100.00%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
foun_bo 11 52.38%
ukcoin2014 3 14.29%
opeth555 2 9.52%
spainy73 2 9.52%
backinthedayreenactmentfurniture 1 4.76%
dell-boyz 1 4.76%
posterity.in.posters 1 4.76%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$182.37 8.68 3.95 13.757204717261898 52.30 3.75
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 21 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 3 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
opeth555 2 66.67%
backinthedayreenactmentfurniture 1 33.33%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$95.62 7.97 3.91 13.367814476902678 52.30 3.75
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 3 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.75 25-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.80 14-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.89 8-Nov-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.65 29-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.87 25-Oct-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.67 20-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.90 15-Oct-2024
Rare 2 Pound Coin St Pauls Cathedral Two Saint Paul’s 2005 WW2 WWII World War II $52.30 14-Oct-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.69 6-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.92 5-Oct-2024
ST PAULS CATHEDRAL 1945-2005 £2 COIN 2005 two pounds elizabeth ii blitz ww2 $4.66 5-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.93 16-Sep-2024
2 pound coin St Pauls cathedral 1945/2005 WW2 50 yrs collectable money British $5.23 13-Sep-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.93 6-Sep-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.95 27-Aug-2024
ST PAULS CATHEDRAL 1945-2005 £2 COIN 2010 two pounds elizabeth ii ww2 blitz $4.87 26-Aug-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.85 17-Aug-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 5 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ukcoin2014 3 60.00%
dell-boyz 1 20.00%
foun_bo 1 20.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$67.58 13.52 4.67 18.145352683263006 49.80 3.77
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 5 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.65 21-Feb-2025
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.77 3-Jan-2025
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.67 28-Oct-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.69 18-Oct-2024
2005 St Pauls Cathedral WW2 Silver Proof Piedfort MS67-68 / CGS96 Graded £2 Coin $49.80 22-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 13 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
foun_bo 10 76.92%
spainy73 2 15.38%
posterity.in.posters 1 7.69%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$100.03 7.69 3.92 12.878333991263485 52.30 3.75
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 13 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Rare 2 Pound Coin St Pauls Cathedral Two Saint Paul’s 2005 WW2 WWII World War II $52.30 28-Jan-2025
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.75 4-Dec-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.80 24-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.89 15-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.87 4-Nov-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.90 25-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.92 15-Oct-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.93 26-Sep-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.93 17-Sep-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.95 8-Sep-2024
MINT ERROR - £2 coin 2005 - St Pauls Cathedral - End WW2 60 Years Circulated $3.85 27-Aug-2024
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.41 1-Jan-1970
£2 coin end of WW2 featuring St Pauls Cathedral 1945 - 2005 collectable $4.53 1-Jan-1970
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