War Currency
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Price: $0.99 - $200.00
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POINT RATION has appeared in 43 unique listings.

There are currently 4 active listings, 6 sold listings, and 33 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $435.14

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view POINT RATION on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 4 9%
Sold 6 14%
Unsold 33 77%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 43 100.00%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ehop1971 13 30.23%
paddygav 9 20.93%
drygoodsandmore 7 16.28%
wakatim 4 9.30%
brimar-cellars 3 6.98%
1975nova 2 4.65%
1950chfmktymuk 2 4.65%
jesp915 1 2.33%
mistamista 1 2.33%
evechai 1 2.33%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$435.14 10.12 5.00 29.535431300545618 200.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 43 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 4 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ehop1971 2 50.00%
jesp915 1 25.00%
evechai 1 25.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$192.56 6.02 5.00 0 25.00 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 4 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 3-Dec-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 27-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2 $0.99 25-Nov-2024
OPA BLUE "HH" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2 $2.00 25-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 25-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 20-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 18-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 14-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 10-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 8-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 8-Nov-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 8-Nov-2024
OPA BLUE 1 Point RATION TOKEN COIN WW2 Fresh from Roll $4.95 30-Oct-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 30-Oct-2024
WW2 OPA Blue Point Ration Token VV,TX,TC,HU,CC,WT Coins Lot Of 10 $15.00 27-Oct-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 26-Oct-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 23-Oct-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 23-Oct-2024
WW2 OPA Blue Point Ration Token VV,TX,TC,HU,CC,WT Coins Lot Of 10 $25.00 22-Oct-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 19-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 6 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
brimar-cellars 3 50.00%
wakatim 2 33.33%
mistamista 1 16.67%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$19.74 3.29 1.92 3.074383407015679 10.00 1.05
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 6 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
OPA BLUE Point Ration Token War WW2 Vintage Old Coin $1.05 25-Jan-2025
29 WWII WW2 OPA RED POINT RATION TOKENS Various Combinations 1 Light Strike $10.00 16-Dec-2024
Lot Of 3 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens WW2 Old Vintage $2.09 11-Dec-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine (VF) Circulated $1.75 8-Sep-2024
OPA BLUE "HH" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Uncirculated (UNC) condition $3.25 18-Aug-2024
OPA RED "YU" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Very Fine (VF) Circulated $1.60 18-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 33 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ehop1971 11 33.33%
paddygav 9 27.27%
drygoodsandmore 7 21.21%
1975nova 2 6.06%
1950chfmktymuk 2 6.06%
wakatim 2 6.06%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$198.55 6.02 5.00 3.9023510137279342 25.00 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 33 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Lot Of 3 OPA Blue Point Ration Tokens WW2 Old Vintage $4.19 26-Jan-2025
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 10-Dec-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 4-Dec-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 2-Dec-2024
OPA BLUE "HH" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2 $2.00 1-Dec-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2 $0.99 1-Dec-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 28-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 25-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 20-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 17-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 13-Nov-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 9-Nov-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 9-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 6-Nov-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 2-Nov-2024
WW2 OPA Blue Point Ration Token VV,TX,TC,HU,CC,WT Coins Lot Of 10 $15.00 1-Nov-2024
OPA RED "UX" 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN, WW2, Fine/Very Fine Circulated $4.99 30-Oct-2024
Lot of 8 World War II WW 2 OPA Red Point Ration Tokens $5.95 30-Oct-2024
WW2 OPA Blue Point Ration Token VV,TX,TC,HU,CC,WT Coins Lot Of 10 $25.00 27-Oct-2024
OPA RED 1 Point RATION TOKEN / COIN from WW2 x3 $5.00 26-Oct-2024
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